My Boss’s Husband Changed My Job Description (Extreme Romance)




Enya’s friend recommended her for a job in the city. Seeing that she had been living in the rural parts for over twenty years, Enya was both excited and apprehensive by the prospect of migrating to Kingston, some 90 Kilometers from a community called Pratville in South Manchester. This was her first job outside of the Parish. Enya was looking forward to the new job for two reasons; the chance to earn an increased income and as a strategy to establish her own catering service. The job, the boss and her husband were all new to Enya. Although she had seen a photograph of Mrs. Santiago, she had never seen her husband. Within the first two days of her setting foot in the house where the couple lived, Enya had earned their trust, the fondness and their interest in seeing to her comfort. Mrs. Santiago outlined her job description on the very first day but by the end of that week, she discovered that some of her other innate capabilities would have been called up for service. Since there was a mutual interest in broadening her duties at the house, she was happy to expand her responsibilities. As is the case with some many willing plunges, Enya had no idea where her new duties would lead her. As time progresses, she found herself in a quicksand of romantic indulgences with her struggling to go deeper. This novel is a vividly told story of a poor country girl’s seemingly innocent acceptance of her own strong personal desire to experiment with a new experience. She had no idea where it would have lead and now she is at a major crossroads with no traffic light for pedestrians. This is a story of betrayal in the face of commitment, affection and love. This is also a story of how powerful desires can override the better judgment. In essence, it is the about the power of sex and the serious consequences that follow. This romantic drama will pull you in and give you the ring-side treatment, making you feel as though you are one of the characters.